Iqra News is pleased to introduce to you Salma Kitchen where you can learn new recipes #Salmah’s سلمى Kitchen by Salma Haya #qualityfood #creativefood #foodmadewithlove #customizedfood #ramadan2023 series, #“Resetting our Souls” From my kitchen to yours Today we’re making Homemade Morrocain Harira Ramadan lamb soup A delicious savoury soup that’s eaten throughout the year in Morocco especially during Ramadan time . The ingredients can vary from family to family but typically tomato based packed full of flavour and silky smooth. A whole meal in a bowl featuring hearty beans, succulent…
Month: March 2023
Why is Masjid Al Aqsa in Jerusalem so important to Muslims?
Masjid Al Aqsa in Jerusalem is the third Holiest site on the face of this planet for Muslims. It’s sanctity is so important in Islam that it is in fact mentioned by name in the Quran. Below is a list of its importance to Muslims around the world. It is the third Holiest site after the two Holy Sanctuaries in Makkah and Madinah. 2. It was the second house of prayer established on earth, built 40 years after the Kaaba in Mecca.) 3. It was the first Qibla (direction of…
Ramadan Day 7: Al Muhaymin
Yesterday’s updates Ramadan Day 7 Al Muhaymin #Salma’s Blog #spirituality #spiritual writing #Reflective writing #meditation #ramadan2023, #“Resetting our Souls” Ramadan Day 7 : Resetting our Soul AL-MUHAYMIN (The Guardian) The Preserver of Safety & Overseeing Protector. * Allah is Al Muhaymin (ٱلْمُهَيْمِنُ), meaning the one who ensures well being and protection over His creation. * He is also the ever watchful. Nothing that can be hidden from Him, He is the knower of all the secrets we conceal. MENTIONS OF AL-MUHAYMIN: �FROM QURAN & HADITH * Arabic Root:From the root…
How Islamic customs complement local traditions during Ramadan across Saudi Arabia
For centuries, Muslims across the world have shared common traditions during the holy month of Ramadan stemming from Islamic practices, such as breaking their daylight fast with dates, water or laban, as was the Prophet Muhammad’s custom. However, some local traditions, which are distinct to a particular nation or region, have found their way into the routines, feasts and celebrations that mark the holy month. Saudi Arabia, with its many diverse regions, is no different. Every year, in the ninth month of the Islamic Hijri calendar, the Kingdom’s 13 regions,…
Ramadan Day 6 : Resetting our Soul
Dear Readers, since Salma Haya spiritual writing about Ramadan is enlightening our life, everyday Iqra News will be uploading her blog. You may like her Facebook account SALMA HAYA for more quotes. #Salma’s Blog #spirituality #spiritual writing #Reflective writing #meditation #ramadan2023, #“Resetting our Souls” Ramadan Day 6 : Resetting our Soul AL-MU’MIN MEANING: The Affirmer of Truth, The Guarantor, The Giver of Faith. The name of Allah سُبْحَٰنَهُۥ وَتَعَٰلَىٰ as Al-Mu’min (in Arabic: ٱلْمُؤْمِنُ) means The One who witnessed for Himself that no one is God but Him. And He…
Ramadan Day 5 : Resetting our Souls
Another spiritual and reflective writing from Salma Haya. You may like her facebook page SALMA HAYA for more interactive posts. #Salma’s Blog #spirituality #spiritual writing #Reflective writing #meditation #ramadan2023, #“Resetting our Souls” Ramadan Day 5 : Resetting our Souls My reflective thoughts: Your time’s precious #Salma’s Blog #spirituality #spiritual writing #Reflective writing #meditation #ramadan2023, #“Resetting our Souls” Ramadan Day 5 : Resetting our Souls My reflective thoughts: Sometimes we’re having to make excuses unfortunately for annoying phone calls and just not pick up the calls! Dear Muslim Brothers and sisters…
Al-Masjid an-Nabawi
Al-Masjid an-Nabawī ( ٱلْمَسْجِد ٱلنَّبَوِي, lit. ‘mosque of the Prophet’), known in English as the “Prophet’s Mosque”, is the second mosque built by the Islamic prophet Muhammad in Medina, after that of Quba, as well as the second largest mosque and holiest site in Islam, after Masjid al-Haram in Mecca, in the Saudi region of the Hejaz. The mosque is located at the heart of Medina, and is a major site of pilgrimage that falls under the purview of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques. The current structure dates back to the early years of 1990s. The Prophet’s mosque is a place known to every true believer of Allah SWT and the…
Ramadan Day 4 : Resetting our Souls
Salma Haya spiritual writing about Ramadan is becoming an inspiration. Here is what she has to say about the fourth day of Ramadan. You may like her page on Facebook SALMA HAYA for more knowledge. #Salma’s Blog #spirituality #spiritual writing #Reflective writing #meditation #ramadan2023, #“Resetting our Souls” Ramadan Day 4 : Resetting our Souls AL-QUDDUS (The Most Sacred / The Most Holy) AL-QUDDUS MEANING: * The one who is clear of any imperfection, weakness, or shortcoming. * Allah سُبْحَٰنَهُۥ وَتَعَٰلَىٰ is Al-Quddus (in Arabic: ٱلْقُدُّوسُ), meaning the most pure or…
Ramadan Day 3 Resetting our Souls
Dear readers, here is what Salma Haya has to say on the day 3 of Ramadan. You may like her Facebook page Salma Haya to know more. #Strong working women #Salma’s Blog #spirituality #spiritual writing #Reflective writing #meditation #ramadan2023, #“Resetting our Souls” Ramadan Day 3 Resetting our Souls Writing reflection: “ Give to others unexpectedly and God will give to you in multiples by putting a smile on someone’s soul” Since I moved to Mauritus I love buying fresh coconut water and coconut pulp. For the past 4 years I’ve…
His Royal Highness The Crown Prince visited the Prophet’s Mosque صلى الله عليه وسلم
His Royal Highness The Crown Prince visited the Prophet’s Mosque صلى الله عليه وسلم earlier this night and was accompanied by The President Sheikh Sudais and had the honour of praying in the noble Rawdah Ash Shareefah and visiting the Prophet (May Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon Him) and His Companions (May Allah be pleased with them). His Royal Highness also greeted the honornable Khateebs and Imams of Masjid An Nabawi صلى الله عليه وسلم