حَسْبُنَا اللَّهُ وَ نِعْمَ الْوَ كِيلُ


Assalamu’alaikum, through this article, we will explain the importance of this beautiful ayaat as well as dua. If you know how powerful this is, I swear by Allah you will never stop saying it. The more you recite it, the better! If you can recite it 500 times daily. Masha’Allah, your life will change forever as this is used mostly in times of difficulties.


 ‘’ Allah is sufficient for us, and he is the best disposer of our affairs.’’ When prophet Ibrahim (a.s) was about to be thrown in the fire, he recited it! His faith in Allah was so strong and he recited this ayaat with full conviction that Allah would never let him down. Indeed, it made the fire cold. Isn’t it amazing? Our prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) also used to recite this dua when he was distressed. Why not us?? Whenever we feel that there is no hope, we should recite it. In times of hardship (marriage issues, work issues, Rizq is decreasing etc.), in times when we feel so helpless and down, in times when we feel so alone, in times when our enemies want to hurt us, in times when we feel ill (depression), this Dua is highly recommended. It’s a magical dua that remove afflictions and tribulations in our life. 

 It will bring comfort in our heart & soul. It will make us feel stronger than before. It will bring peace inside ourself as well as in our house. Remember, this dua should be recited with full conviction in Allah. Let’s find 15 mins everyday to recite it, I’m sure this will change our life, from hardship to ease.


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