Healthy Eating during Ramadan

Ramadan is here and we now find ourselves in the most incredible and blessed month once again; a month filled with reward, blessing, giving to others and, yes, fasting.

Many people come to dread the iftar part of the fasting. More often than not, during the month of Ramadan, we are inclined to indulge in heavier and richer foods than we normally would which can lead to feeling sluggish and tired.

Here are some healthy eating tips we should consider in order to balance our food regimes during Ramadan:

  • Eating healthy meals during Ramadan is essential. For iftar, ensure you eat plenty of tasty salad greens and vegetables to go with your main meal. By ensuring at least half of your plate is full of healthy nutrients, you’ll get the energy and vitamins you need.
  • Avoid carbonated and fizzy drinks as these will dehydrate you very quickly and they don’t have any valuable nutrition.
  • Making roast chicken and baked potatoes is a lot healthier than opting for fried samosas and chips
  • If Ramadan falls in the summer months, or if it is hot where you live, one of our best Ramadan tips is to stock up on fresh watermelon – it is great for rehydration and fills you up well.
  • It is traditional to open the fast with dates and a glass of water or milk; aside from the religious recommendations, there is also great reasoning behind this. Dates contain many nutrients and health benefits including reducing blood pressure, reducing the risk of heart disease and colon cancer, and relieving constipation. Dates also fill you up pretty quickly and are a great source of slow-release energy – keeping you going for longer. Try opening your fast with a handful of dates and a glass of milk before taking a break to recite salaah; you’ll find you won’t feel as hungry after you pray.
  • Due to the slow energy release in dates, it is a great idea to introduce this into your suhoor meal too. The ideal suhoor meal would consist of oats or porridge and some dates.
  • Many people prepare for the month of Ramadan in advance by making and freezing food that can be cooked later. Don’t do this! It might be convenient, but Ramadan is all about spending time with your loved ones, and cooking with them is a great way of spending more time with your family at meal times.

While you open and close your fast this year, we urge you not to forget those in need during Ramadan.

Ramadan Kareem.

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