Assalamu’alaikum everyone, friends and the unknown people as well.


Alhamdulillah we’ve reached another Ramadan. We should thank Allah a lot for that. Ramadan is a month of sacrifice, we should do our best to not miss a single fast in this month. I’d suggest everyone to focus on prayers, Duah, read katam Qur’an, zikr, give Sadaqa, help the poor and the needy. Please, stay away from your mobile, tv or anything that would make you waste your time.

Ramadan Mubarak to everyone, friends and family…forgive me if in case I’ve hurt someone unintentionally or intentionally. I will keep everyone in my Duah.

Do not forget the dead in your Duah, please make Duah for my papa and mama…it’s going to be my first Ramadan without my parents…may Allah grant them Jannah. <3

Moreover, keep the Syrians, Palestinians, the orphans, those kids who are being abused by parents, the ladies who are being tortured by abusive husbands in your Duah.

Let’s simply make our best. <3




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