Moroccan Mint Tea

Morocco is a country that is famous for its historical downtowns, traditional handicrafts, and herbal infusions. You can not call yourself a true tea-lover if you have never tried a properly steeped Moroccan tea. Ono Teas brings you the authentic taste of Moroccan Mint Tea which perfectly combines the rich culture of Morocco and freshness of mint. So, without further ado. Let’s explore the rich history and traditions of this herbal infusion. 

Moroccan Mint Tea

We can attribute the history and origins of Moroccan tea to several sources because no one exactly knows how it originated. Also, called the Maghrebi Mint Tea, this tea is traditional to the regions of northwest African countries and holds massive sociocultural significance. It has been considered the national beverage of Morocco.

Moroccan Tea’s Excursion from the 12th century to the 18th century

Moroccan tea was first introduced to Morocco in the 12th century, B.C by the Phoenicians who settled in the country’s north for over eight centuries. Another hypothesis links it to the first settlers of Morocco, the Berbers, who brought a green plant with them when they moved from their original land in Asi. Also, another historical theory said that tea came to Morocco from Spain and the Portuguese at the time of their military attempts to conquer it in the 18th century. Besides, some historians think that tea was first known to the Moroccans through maritime piracy (maritime jihad), which was active at that time in both the Atlantic ocean and the Mediterranean regions. 

Moroccan Tea : A Majestic Gift

This tea was introduced in Morocco to the court of Sultan Moulay Ismail (1672-1727) by Queen Anne of England (1665-1714), hoping to encourage the release of British prisoners of war. Although several fatwas originally banned tea, according to the Islamic ban on fermented wine, tea increasingly became the gift that foreign visitors would bring to Moulay Ismaïl. In the 18th century, English and Dutch missionaries, diplomats, and privateers began to consume tea in abundance. Hence, this tea became a royal practice. 

The Crimean War

During the Crimean war, a British merchant was not able to deliver Gunpowder green tea to Scandinavia and hence found a great market in Morocco. During the Crimean War, green tea was introduced to North Africa through the port of Mogador (Essaouira) in Morocco and then to the Atlantic Sahara (Western Sahara and Mauritania),  the Saoura Valley, and the oases of Touat. The locals quickly made the tea their own, by sweetening it and adding mint while brewing. Afterwards, this tea became the heart of Morocco.

Moroccan Whiskey

According to some theories, Muslims were officially not allowed to drink any alcohol. This probably leads to the invention of strong-flavored Moroccan tea. That is why they call their tea the – “Moroccan Whiskey” sometimes with a smile on their face. Moroccan mint tea is not just a drink, it’s an emotion for Moroccans. 

How is Moroccan Tea Served Traditionally?

One of the best things to attend in Morocco is their traditional tea ceremonies. Moroccan tea relates to hospitality and respect towards others. This tea can be anywhere and anytime. In the ceremony, they prepare tea in front of the guests. It includes boiling water on top of a stove, rinsing out the teapot, filling the teapot with the boiling water, adding green tea leaves through a strainer, allowing it to sit and steep a while, stirring it, and then adding fresh springs of mint.

Once the tea is ready, the host or hostess will set the teapot, beautiful Moroccan tea glasses, and a bowl of honey on a silver tray. She will bring it over to the guests and then being the ritual of pouring the tea. The tea is being poured from a height, a foot or so from above the teacups. Watching the tea being poured is an art in itself. Moroccan mint tea gets served three times out of generosity. Each glass has its own meaning the first one is said to be “as bitter as life”, the second is “as strong as love”, and the third is “as gentle as death”. All of the three offerings should be drank out of politeness and respect for the culture and tradition.  

Health Benefits of Moroccan Mint Tea1.Moroccan Mint Tea Helps in Digestion  

Moroccan Mint tea contains peppermint which is rich in menthol, which helps soothe an upset stomach and regulate digestion. Menthol can relax the stomach muscles that can contract and cause cramping. It also increases bile in the stomach which in turn helps to digest food easily, as a result, decreasing the sensations of nausea, and keeps your digestive system working efficiently. 

2. Moroccan Tea Helps in Balancing Hormone

Moroccan Mint tea contains spearmint which helps in decreasing the male hormones and increases female hormones necessary for ovulation, such as luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), and estradiol. Hence, it helps in balancing hormones and insulin levels.

3. Moroccan Mint Tea Boosts Your Immune System  

Moroccan tea is rich in certain minerals like fluoride, calcium, magnesium, which are essential to boost immunity. Moreover, it contains antibacterial properties which help in fighting pathogens. It also contains peppermint which boosts the immune system

4. Moroccan Mint Tea Helps in Losing Weight  

Moroccan Mint tea contains spearmint which is loaded with antioxidants, especially catechin which helps in decreasing abdominal fat and helps in losing weight. 

5. Moroccan Mint Tea Augments Skin

Moroccan mint tea contains mint which helps in controlling the production of sebum, hence controlling the breakouts and acne green tea present in this tea also makes your skin healthy. Along with a healthy diet, daily exercise, and a morning skin routine this tea can do wonders for your skin. 

Why Moroccans Pour Moroccan Tea From Height?



In Morocco, pouring tea over the top is a ritual that shows respect and appreciation towards the guest. This ritual is scientific, as it helps in oxygenating the tea and facilitate digestion. Don’t drink the Moroccan Mint tea in hurry. Make sure to relax and have a lot of time to enjoy the tea ceremony. 

Snacks Along With Moroccan Mint Tea To Make Your Evening More Memorable



very time we see a hot cup of chai, we start developing cravings. Isn’t it? Well, with Moroccan tea you can also enjoy a lot of snacks. Here is the list:-    

  • Dry fruits like almonds and pistachios         
  • Dates         
  • Fox Nuts         
  • Healthy coconut balls or jaggery peanut balls    


Moroccan Mint Tea is a quintessential example of the history, traditions, and culture of Morocco. This tea is not just a drink, it’s a sign of hospitality, respect, and togetherness. sNext time when you have a party at home, make sure you make Ono Teas’ Moroccan Mint Tea at home and enjoy it with your friends. 

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