Day 24: AL-MUʿIZZ MEANING: The Giver of Honor, The Bestower of Might. #Salma’s Blog #spirituality #spiritual writing #Reflective writing #meditation #ramadan2023, #“Resetting our Souls”
Day: April 17, 2023
حَسْبُنَا اللَّهُ وَ نِعْمَ الْوَ كِيلُ
Assalamu’alaikum, through this article, we will explain the importance of this beautiful ayaat as well as dua. If you know how powerful this is, I swear by Allah you will never stop saying it. The more you recite it, the better! If you can recite it 500 times daily. Masha’Allah, your life will change forever as this is used mostly in times of difficulties. ‘’ Allah is sufficient for us, and he is the best disposer of our affairs.’’ When prophet Ibrahim (a.s) was about to be thrown in…